Simple Provisions

Food does not need to be fancy to be celebrated

Simple Provisions has moved to Facebook

Simple Provisions action is now on the Simple Provisions Facebook page.

It’s been awhile since I did the dishes for my last blog post, my camera is sitting forlornly in the office. But I haven’t stopped cooking, in fact I’m cooking more than ever for a family that grew from two to four in the last two years.

As a result, my cooking has changed.

Daily groceries, meandering through the farmers market, special occasion food and “what do I feel like tonight?” are no more.

I’ve become a meal planner, planning out our meals on the weekend and doing two big shops per week. I prep for the week on weekends, and plan leftovers to start tomorrow’s meals. If dinner isn’t served by 6pm a toddler will be melting down, so meals have to come together simply during the witching hour, and cater to the whole family.

I’m learning this new way of cooking, and enjoying the challenge, while still holding true to the Simple Provisions philosophy of eating seasonally and simply.

I no longer have the time to develop recipes, cook, photograph and write blog posts. But I miss sharing what I’m discovering in the kitchen. So I’ve started sharing what I’m cooking on the Simple Provisions Facebook page.

There are 10,000+ subscribers here on the blog, but only 1,600 on Facebook. So if you’d like to continue getting inspiration for simple, seasonal, family-friendly meals that taste great, head over to Facebook and give Simple Provisions a like.

11 thoughts on “Simple Provisions Has Moved

  1. J Bird says:

    Good to read your blog. I have the opposite changes in my kitchen. We raised 6 children and are now retired and cooking for just two. Paring down our meals is a challenge for me. I will be looking for you on facebook for sure. Thanks for letting us know about the change. And enjoy that wonderful family you have now. They will definitely benefit from your skill and knowledge in making great and healthy meals.

    1. Amelia says:

      That’s quite a change! I can’t even imagine cooking for 8 every night. Sounds like you deserve a break!

  2. Saskia (1=2) says:

    Great to hear from you Amelia! Look forward to catching up on your cooking adventures on FB.
    PS. Can totally relate to the ‘not finding time for blogging’ thing… life just seems to get in the way!

    1. Amelia says:

      If by “life” you mean “kids sucking up all available time like some new law of physics”, then yes. 🙂

      1. Saskia (1=2) says:

        That’s *exactly* what I mean 🙂

  3. Lucy says:

    I totally relate to this Amelia! No time for photographing and blogging about personal interests – and meals that have to be nutritious and healthy, but quick and easy. Baked beans feature at least once a week in our house!! Will see you over on FB x

    1. Amelia says:

      Viva la baked beans Lucy!

  4. margaret21 says:

    Well, I’ll sign up then. Thanks for an intersting and inspiring blog. I’m sure your FB page will be just as useful.

    1. Amelia says:

      Thanks for all your comments here Margaret, looking forward to seeing you on Facebook.

  5. bexjenkins says:

    Hi Amelia, I’ve just found your blog through Google and think it’s fabulous. So many ideas. I will hop on over to your Facebook page now. You are really talented and I do hope you find the time to blog again though – (says she who writes about three posts a year!) x

    1. Amelia says:

      Thanks for those lovely words Bex

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