Simple Provisions

Food does not need to be fancy to be celebrated

Aspirational image of a cup of tea in bed (image by David Mao)

Aspirational image of an uninterrupted cup of tea in bed (image by David Mao)

I thought it might be cute to break my blogging drought with a recipe for hot cross buns over Easter, mainly because I’d get to use the pun about buns being in the oven to let you know that I’m pregnant again. But then Easter came and went, and I was dealing with another cold brought home from child care by my 15-month-old kid, and the blog remained untouched.

I liken my first pregnancy to the feeling of being a precious, unique snowflake, growing a miracle while cartoon Disney birds tweet at my shoulder. My second pregnancy couldn’t be farther removed from this experience. Acute morning sickness timed imperfectly with my return to work, child care colds taking out our entire household multiple times, exhaustion and general feelings of overwhelm have pretty much defined the last five months. And the next kid isn’t even here yet. But this pregnancy is quite miraculous nonetheless and growing this new baby has taken priority over cooking for the blog.

Here’s what’s been going on in my kitchen lately, sans styled photos and lovely matching stories:

  • Eating Kimchi Fried Rice, using kimchi from The Fermentary and eggs from our chickens
  • Reading (and some cooking from) A Modern Way to Eat by Anna Jones
  • A lot of cooking from Food Babies Love by Emily Dupuche, a book that has lived up to the high recommendation from a friend
  • Drinking Cocoa and Chai Spice Hot Chocolate, my pleasure now that a glass of wine is off the menu at night time
  • Making No-bake Chocolate Almond Bars for a friend that just had twins, she needs all the energy she can get
  • I googled what I had in the fridge looking for inspiration and this kale salad came up, it is deliciously autumnal and keeps for a few days which makes it great for lunches too
  • Have I mentioned the sickness in my house? Being pregnant, I can’t take any helpful drugs to get me through it, so I’ve been relying on Ginger Turmeric Honey Bombs
  • I’ve brought the slow cooker out of hibernation and am enjoying a steaming bowl of overnight steel-cut oats for breakfast most mornings, and these chicken tacos were the easiest, tastiest thing to ever come out of my new favourite appliance

Given my current family situation, poor old Simple Provisions will continue to be a bit neglected. If you’re a regular reader, thank you so much for stopping by so often. I’d love to know what you enjoyed about the blog so that when I come up for air, I can craft something that you might enjoy, perhaps in a different form. Comment or email me at And also a BIG THANKS to the people that emailed me, checking to see if I was OK. You’re lovely.

47 thoughts on “Bun in the Oven (no actual edible buns anywhere near oven)

  1. Cat Saunders says:

    Congratulations to you both on pregnancy number two! Two is hard but we are almost at the 6 month mark and it’s moving towards more good times rather than hard times as Joss becomes less fragile! I’ve been meaning to say thank you for the Community recipe book recommendation. I gave it to my mum for Christmas and she has been loving it! I’m going to check out the kids recipe book you recommended above. Have you heard of The Forest Feast? Very easy vegetarian recipes and beautifully illustrated.

    1. Amelia says:

      You give me hope Cat! I’m glad your mum loved Community, I think about 5 copies changed hands throughout my extended family over Christmas which meant there were a lot of salads this summer. I follow The Forest Feast blog, but haven’t flicked through her book yet. I’ll take a look, thanks!

  2. lucybjames says:

    Welcome back Amelia! Given your hiatus, I am astounded at all the lovely things you are still managing to do – how lovely to share all of these wonderful resources. Thank you for the ongoing inspiration, you’re a star. I love the comparison between your two pregnancies. Despite being allowed the good stuff (drugs) I am still finding your Turmeric Honey Bomb the best relief for the lurgy, so keep it up. Have you tried it on porridge? I can highly recommend as a way to lift pasty oats into comforting medicine food. Love to you, you can do it!! xox

    1. Amelia says:

      The bomb is going on the oats tomorrow morning, thanks Lucy!

  3. Dear Amelia, congratulations and I so hope you are feeling better soon. Good luck with all of it, lots of love from me xxx

    1. Amelia says:

      Thank you Jane, I believe luck will be required. I hope all is great with you x

  4. Flynn says:

    Congratulations Amelia!
    Such exciting news, when are you due? 🙂
    Hope your feeling a bit better, I’m due in 2 weeks and the second time around has been full on with a toddler and I haven’t even been working; hats of to you!
    P.S. That Bircher Museli made a comeback for a lot of dinners this pregnancy too 🙂

    1. Amelia says:

      Due in August Flynn, following in your footsteps yet again 🙂 I hope you can manage to carve out some time to yourself in the next two weeks to get ready for the next phase, best of luck xx

  5. shazzameena says:

    I thought about you pretty much every morning in your absence…not because of any worrying ‘stalkery’ reasons…just because I’ve been making bircher muesli since you blogged about it. Occasionally I turned those thoughts to prayer as I figured there must be a big reason for your absence. Congratulations on the pregnancy!

    1. Amelia says:

      I’m so glad you like the bircher! And thank you for the prayers, I’m happy to report that my reasons for absence are all positive and not negative.

  6. Casey says:

    Welcome back! What a jam-packed post, amazing even without considering life’s other demands! Thank you. Although it may take me a year to find the time to make all those things I will definitely endeavour to get to each one. I have a feeling they’ll come in handy.

    1. Amelia says:

      I think you’ll like the turmeric and honey bomb in particular Casey!

  7. Hey, sorry to hear you’re not feeling so hot, but congratulations on the good news. Good to see you in my feed. The recipes are knockout.

  8. datewithaplate says:

    Congratulations! Such happy news

  9. Utkarshini Khanna says:


  10. Michelle Miller says:

    Congratulations, Amelia! Hope the morning sickness abates soon and everything goes well.

    Michelle xx

    1. Amelia says:

      Thanks Michelle

  11. margaret21 says:

    Congaratulations! I do hope you’ve now beaten the morning sickness, and can enjoy your last months of relative calm before the storm of two youngsters in the house.

    1. Amelia says:

      Me too Margaret! 😉

  12. Well done Amelia – there are always fors and againsts having your kidlets close together – me I had them 4 years apart:)) Helen must be over the moon – glad to hear your special news.

    1. Amelia says:

      Mum is very excited, as well as bracing for some serious support grandmothering! I hope you’re well Lois.

  13. Yana says:

    Congratulations! Great news! Hope everything goes well! 🙂

  14. Saskia (1=2) says:

    HUGE congrats Amelia. Such exciting news. Wow, can’t believe baby number one is 15 months old already!
    Great post, especially your foodie diary – pinned both the kimchi rice and the kale salad to make later. Both sound gorgeous.
    A big fat GAH to surprise lurgies brought home from childcare. Hope they – and your morning sickness – subside soon. All the very best for the coming months. xx

    1. Amelia says:

      Thanks Sas. Your trip gives me hope that having kids isn’t all sickness and nappies 😉

  15. smockpockets says:

    Oh Amelia, thanks for the update and the hot recipe tips! I totally understand the second pregnancy stuff, I couldn’t believe how exhausted I could be after all the baths and candles of the first baby blossom. Slow cookers make all the difference though, mine is a new addition to the appliance family and it’s like magic! I haven’t done porridge though, that is next! But I that means I’ll have to clean it first. Oh well… Another day. Happy baby growing!

    1. Amelia says:

      Thank you! Enjoy the slow cooker porridge, it’s a keeper of a recipe.

  16. Congratulations!! PS I love the overnight oats idea. I’ve never made them in a slow cooker but it sounds fantastic!

    1. Amelia says:

      The oats are pretty fantastic. It seems quite magical to wake up to a warm, perfectly cooked bowl of porridge with no effort.

  17. Marta says:

    How wonderful! Glad to hear everything is OK.

  18. Karen says:

    How wonderful to see you are back, I did send a message a little while ago hoping you were ok. Now I know why you dropped off the radar I am very relieved. Congratulations on your exciting news and commiserations on the morning/all day sickness. A dim memory for me but it all came back when I read your post. Take care and am looking foreword to reading and cooking with you again. Karen.

    1. Amelia says:

      Thanks so much Karen x

  19. Lovely to see this post from you Amelia and a big congratulations for the sweet little one on his/her way! How very exciting! 🙂 Hope the morning sickness eases off a little for you very soon… Thinking of you! Margot

    1. Amelia says:

      Thanks so much Margot

  20. J Bird says:

    Congratulations are certainly in order! The difficulties will soon be a memory and the blessed outcome will last a lifetime. Hope your feeling much better soon!

  21. mrsgillies says:


  22. Sehar A. says:


    It would be great if, when you have time, you could stop by my food review blog at:

    I am a True Foodie and have detailed reviews from artisan breads to burgers to cakes and cupcakes and the list is never-ending!

    Like, share and follow on Facebook also! =]

  23. Saskia (1=2) says:

    Hi Amelia. Just stopping by to say hello! Hope everything is going swimmingly, and you’re coping with the horrible weather. xx

    1. Amelia says:

      Hello!! Everything is going swimmingly thanks Sas. I finish work this week and bub #2 is due in 5 weeks. Freezer prep starts next week to help manage impending chaos. I hope all is well with you now you’re back on home soil. X

      1. Saskia (1=2) says:

        Hey Amelia. 5 weeks!! Wow, time has flown. Enjoy your freezer prepping – luckily you have a bank of lovely recipes you’ve suggested as being perfect for new parents (I remember a particularly nice-looking dahl)! Actually, that reminds me, must make a nice pot of that myself 🙂 All the very best for the next 5 weeks and beyond. PS. yes, all great with us although that holiday is a fading memory…

  24. Today I thought “I haven’t heard from Simple Provisions for a long time — where is she?” And then I checked your blog and see this WONDERFUL news!!!! Congratulations on the second bun! Hope the second trimester is doing you proud and that you feel tons better. Sending thoughts of rest, coziness, and home-cooked meals (prepared by someone else) your way – xoxoxo

    1. Amelia says:

      Hi Ann! Thanks for the message. The pregnancy is over! Baby June was born last Thursday and all is well 🙂

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